Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 6 - Matthew 14-15

These chapters continue many of the themes that we've already seen in the book of Matthew thus far: the power of Jesus to heal all kinds of sickness and disease (14:35-36; 15:28-31), the connection between faith and the mighty working of Jesus (15:28), the power of Jesus over nature (this time evidenced by not just calming the storm but actually walking on the sea (14:25)! and twice using a small about of food to feed thousands of people (14:13-21; 15:32-39)) and the importance of the heart over mere external religion (15:1-20).

Those are general observations, but consider a few specific things noted in these chapters. People are starting to get it. They get the fact that Jesus is the Son of God (14:32) based on the great works that He is doing. They get the fact that Jesus has the power to heal. That's why when they find out where He is, they bring the sick to Him. But beyond that, they get the fact that He is healing by means of Divine power. This is why they glorify God for the healing of Jesus (15:31). The Pharisees still don't get it. They keep pestering Jesus with trifling things, and Jesus continues to point out their hypocrisy and mere external religion. Even though the disciples begin to get it, they still fall short. Think this through. Jesus just fed over 5,000 people with 5 loaves and two fish. A short time later, there is more food (7 loaves and a few fish) and fewer people (just over 4,000), and yet they still seem confused about how to solve this problem!

For us, let us always remember that the Divine power that Jesus exhibited is the same power that is at work in us today. Let us always remember the primacy of the heart. Let us consistently turn away from mere externalism. Finally, let us always approach our God and Savior in faith and expectation for Him to continue to do mighty acts among us!

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