Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day 51 - Acts 27-28

Today is a momentous day in this trek through the NT! This is the last day of narrative. Tomorrow we begin the epistles in which we will spend almost 30 days and then spend the last 10 days in future "history"! I hope you'll keep until the end!

The story of Paul's shipwreck is recorded in chapter 27. It's interesting to see the progression in the reaction of the ship's sailors to the words of Paul. At first there is complete rejection (vs11), but by the end of the chapter there is complete compliance (vs31-32)! The same centurion that ignored Paul's counsel at the beginning is the same one who practically saves Paul's life in the end (vs43). In the middle of all of this, Paul addresses the ship's passengers and sailors (vs21-26). In this address, he refers to God as the one "to whom I belong and whom I worship" (vs23). These are two ideas that we should consider well. First, we belong to God! We are His! We are not our own. We do not belong to ourselves. We have no rights. We've been purchased. We are owned, not independent. If we would get a handle on that concept and live our lives accordingly, so many areas of our lives would get straightened out! Second, we are to worship God. God is seeking for worshipers (John 4:23). We must worship only Him and we must worship Him in His way--in spirit and truth. Our whole lives must be an act of worship to Him!

On Paul's journey to Rome, they stopped in the city of Puteoli on the western side of Italy, about 170 miles from Rome. Some Christian brothers heard of Paul's being there, went to see him and were a great encouragement to Paul (vs13-15). Isn't it amazing how our oneness in Christ can transcend distance and culture! This is the beauty of the body of Christ! Wherever you go, when you find true believers, you have to opportunity for fellowship and mutual encouragement. This recently happened to me on a trip to Disneyland. While walking with my daughter to go to a ride, I noticed a young man wearing a sweatshirt that displayed a theological seminary's name. He was just sitting on a bench reading a book. I stopped and had a brief conversation with him, and both of us were greatly encouraged! I'd never met him before, yet we were able to have true, spiritual fellowship one with another because of our oneness in Christ!

This book ends with Paul finally at Rome. What does he do? He calls for the Jewish leaders of that area to come and talk with him. He shares with them the good news about Jesus Christ and some believed while others disbelieved. He then makes the statement that "this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen" (vs28). Are you one who has listened? I trust that you have! Paul, undaunted by the rejection of so many of the Jewish leaders, continues to share the Gospel faithfully and with boldness to all who came to him. O that we would follow his example and share the good news of Jesus Christ with all who come to us!

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