Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 46 - Acts 15-17

Well, we are on the other side of the hill, as it were. We are beginning the 2nd half of the NT as we have finished 45 days' worth of reading. I hope you will be faithful until the end! Don't give up...let's finish strong!

Chapter 15 contains what is called by many the "Jerusalem Council." Apparently, some Jews came to Christ and were willing to accept Gentiles as fellow brothers, but yet they wanted to impose some aspects of the Mosaic Law on these Gentile converts--namely circumcision. After a long discussion, it was determined that this was not something that they should require of these Gentile brothers, but yet there were certain things that were suggested that the Gentiles observe (see vs20). These things were more readily seen by others than circumcision and were encouraged to be observed for the sake of the Gentiles' Jewish brothers in Christ. The main points to understand from this account is that the ceremonial law is not necessary to follow for salvation or even growth in sanctification, yet while some things are not necessary, they are encouraged for the sake of the conscience of other fellow-believers.

The disagreement between Paul and Barnabas concerning John Mark was certainly unfortunate, yet isn't it amazing how God used this to further His Kingdom?! Now, instead of just one missionary team, there are two doing the work of the ministry! It is also interesting that by the end of Paul's life, he was asking for John Mark because, by that time, he was profitable to Paul for the ministry.

The question of the Philippian jailer to Paul and Silas was probably not what it looked like on the surface - "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (16:30). In reality, he was probably asking them how he was going to make it through this sticky situation without losing his physical life. Paul, in the same manner as Jesus, answers a different and yet certainly more important question relating to this man's spiritual, eternal life! The answer he gives is simple, "Believe in the Lord Jesus!" Simple faith is what is needed for eternal life.

Paul's speech on Mars Hill (17:22-31) is truly amazing. He reads his environment by noticing the inscription to the "unknown god." He uses this as his launching point to give them the gospel. He starts by talking about how amazing this God is: 1) He made the world and everything in it, 2) He is entirely self-sufficient, needing nothing from us, 3) He is a good God, providing everything for His creation, 4) He is near us because He is omnipresent, 5) He is longsuffering by overlooking previous ignorance, but now 6) He commands everyone to repent! This repentance is necessary because judgment is coming (17:31) and the one who is judge is Jesus Christ who has died and resurrected. At that point, the people had a decision to make. Some of them outright rejected his teaching, others wanted to hear some more, while others believed and became followers of Jesus Christ. A good question to ask yourself right now is, "Which group am I in?" I trust that by God's grace you are in the final group--those who believe in and follow Jesus Christ!

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