Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 39 - John 20-21

Well, we've come to the end of the Gospels. I trust that this journey has been a fruitful one for you as it has for me thus far!

I never tire of reading about the resurrection of Jesus. What an amazing fact! Other people have been raised to life (e.g. Lazarus, the widow at Nain's son, etc.), but none like Jesus. All others who had been resurrected ended up suffering death once again. Only Jesus was raised never to die again. Our future resurrection will like His (cf. Rom. 6:5). Jesus' resurrection body was, no doubt, a bit different than before He died. Twice it is recorded that He entered a room although the door had been locked (20:19,26). Also, in 21:4,12, there seems to be some uncertainty about the physical appearance of Jesus, though by vs12 His power and authority made Him quite easy to identify! The resurrection of Jesus, though, was a bodily resurrection, for He had hands and feet to touch (20:27). Our resurrection bodies will be like His (cf. Phil. 3:21). What hope the resurrection brings to us!

Chapter 20 contains another one of those verses where I see myself specifically mentioned. It is verse 29. Thomas had voiced his doubt concerning the resurrection of Jesus, even though the other disciples were bearing witness to it. He said that he would not believe unless he could see and feel the resurrected body of Jesus for himself. When Jesus does appear to him, he believes. Then comes verse 29. Jesus points out how Thomas would not believe until he saw, and then Jesus pronounces a blessing on those who believe without seeing. That's me! I believe in the resurrected Messiah and I've never seen Him physically (although I can't wait to do so!), therefore I am blessed! Praise the Lord for the blessing of faith!

Much has been written and said concerning the final interaction between Jesus and Peter in 21:15-19. I still am not completely certain about a number of things. Why the change in the word for "love"? Why did ask Peter three times if he loved Him? Was it to give Peter a chance to "redeem" himself because he had denied the Lord three times? What I am certain about is that what Jesus questioned Peter about is exactly what all of us need to do - love Jesus ourselves and not worry about the responsibilities of others!

Why did John write concerning all of these wonderful signs and teachings of Jesus? He recorded all of this so that the ones reading would "believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (20:31). I trust that in your reading of this book, you have come to believe this truth and have received the life that comes through His Name!

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