Today, we come to the final 3 chapters of the New Testament. In many ways this really is the climax to the entire Bible! These are some of my favorite chapters. I always enjoy reading them.
Chapter 20 describes the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. What a glorious time that will be! This will be the only time in the history of the world where Satan will be bound and Christ will reign as the physical Sovereign of the world. Those of us who know Him as Savior will have the privilege of reigning under His ultimate rule. After this 1000-year reign, Satan will be released to lead one final rebellion against God, and this time his defeat will be full and final (vs9-10). After this comes what is really a chilling statement. All of the wicked dead will be raised and will face God as their ultimate Judge. He will judge them according to their works and will condemn them to eternal damnation in the lake of fire. The thing about this that is so ironic is that so many people today are trying to work their way to heaven, and it is those very works by which they will be condemned!
Chapter 21 gives us the description of the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city. This is where the redeemed will spend eternity engaged in the worship of God. It truly will be a glorious place. Gems and precious metals will abound. One interesting thing to note in this description is the absence of many things: sea (vs1) - this was a terrifying place for those in the first century, for many people lost their lives on the sea during sever storms; tears, death and pain (vs4) - certainly none of us will miss these; sinners (vs8); temple (vs22) - there is no need of this because God's presence will be manifest all around; sun and moon (vs23) - God is the light!; night (vs25) - how can there be darkness in the presence of God?!; uncleanness (vs26) - God is a God of purity!
Chapter 22 continues the description of the heavenly city by detailing the presence of the river of life and the tree of life. Then, the best part comes! Verse 4 contains the reason that heaven will be heaven. This is the reason that I long for heaven. All of the streets of gold and the gates of pearl and the foundations of precious stones will be wonderful, but they will all pale in comparison to the experience of seeing the face of God for the first time! This is why heaven is precious--we will see His face!
The book closes with a promise that Jesus is coming soon. Some might question whether that is true or not due the fact that it's been nearly 2,000 years since the writing of this book. It is times like this that we must remember that to God a day is as 1,000 years and 1,000 years is as a day (2Peter 3:8). So, in a sense, to God it hasn't even been two days since this has been written! This book also closes with an invitation to come. I add my invitation as well. Dear reader, if you have yet to turn from your sin and trust wholly in Jesus Christ and what He did for you on the cross of Calvary, then come today to Jesus Christ! In Him you will find the satisfaction that your soul desires. Come to Jesus Christ!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Day 89 - Revelation 18-19
The recording of the future ultimate triumph of Jesus Christ continues in these chapters. In chapter 18, Babylon has been defeated. As with the beast and the prostitute in the previous chapter, the identification of "Babylon" is up for debate. The truly important point to understand here is that Babylon has been overthrown and this destruction was in direct relation to its sinfulness (vs3-5). This serves as a good reminder that sin will ultimately lead to destruction, whether on a national or personal level. Let us heed the warning given to us in vs4 - "Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues."
Chapter 19 gives us another glimpse into the heavenly scene, and once again we see exuberant worship directed toward God. As I write this blog post, it is Saturday night. Tomorrow, I will engage in a foretaste of this heavenly worship as I gather together with other believers to worship God. Every Sunday that we gather to worship we are preparing ourselves for the activity with which we will occupy ourselves for all of eternity. The worship on this side of heaven can be wonderful, but oh for the day that we experience the worship in Heaven!
Chapter 19 gives us another glimpse into the heavenly scene, and once again we see exuberant worship directed toward God. As I write this blog post, it is Saturday night. Tomorrow, I will engage in a foretaste of this heavenly worship as I gather together with other believers to worship God. Every Sunday that we gather to worship we are preparing ourselves for the activity with which we will occupy ourselves for all of eternity. The worship on this side of heaven can be wonderful, but oh for the day that we experience the worship in Heaven!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Day 88 - Revelation 16-17
The scene now shifts back to the pouring out of the wrath of God in judgment upon the earth. This judgment is extremely harsh, yet it is just (16:5-7). The purpose of this judgment is not to rehabilitate the wrongdoers nor is it to educate them (as is the case with some forms of human punishment), but rather it is retributive in nature. The key phrase that leads to this conclusion comes at the end of 16:9,11 - they did not repent. For believers, it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance (cf. Rom. 2:4), but here for unbelievers, even the harshness of God does not lead to repentance. How hard the unregenerate human heart must be! It is for this very reason that we understand that the regenerating work in the heart of any man must be wholly the work of God. It is a miracle!
Chapter 17 begins the discussion of the great prostitute and the beast. Many people throughout the history of the church have tried to identify what these symbols represent. I will not attempt to do so. I'm not sure that anyone can correctly identify them with certainty. There is one thing, however, that is certain. Even though both the prostitute and beast are powerful, they are no match for the Lamb (vs14). He conquers them! What an image that presents! We tend to think of lambs as weak and dumb, but not this Lamb. The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is a keen and mighty warrior who vanquishes all of His foes! Try as you might to get to all of the specifics about who the kings are in this chapter and who the prostitute is, the main point is that no matter who these people are, Jesus Christ will conquer them! This really is the theme of the book of Revelation - Jesus Wins!
Chapter 17 begins the discussion of the great prostitute and the beast. Many people throughout the history of the church have tried to identify what these symbols represent. I will not attempt to do so. I'm not sure that anyone can correctly identify them with certainty. There is one thing, however, that is certain. Even though both the prostitute and beast are powerful, they are no match for the Lamb (vs14). He conquers them! What an image that presents! We tend to think of lambs as weak and dumb, but not this Lamb. The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is a keen and mighty warrior who vanquishes all of His foes! Try as you might to get to all of the specifics about who the kings are in this chapter and who the prostitute is, the main point is that no matter who these people are, Jesus Christ will conquer them! This really is the theme of the book of Revelation - Jesus Wins!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Day 87 - Revelation 14-15
The scene now shifts to focus on Jesus Christ. He is referred to at first as "the Lamb" (14:1). This obviously is a reference to Jesus Christ as our substitute referring back to His sacrificing Himself in our place on the cross of Calvary. But here, He is no longer suffering. He is the focus of holy worship from holy witnesses. Next, He is referred to as the "Son of Man" (14:14). Here He is a farmer. He has a sickle in His hand and He is ready to reap. His harvest seems to be His own righteous people, although it is not specifically stated. The contrast with the reaping of the angel leads me to think that this is the case. In other words, since what the angel reaps gets thrown into the winepress of the wrath of God (14:19), it only stands to reason that what the Son of Man reaps are those who are not destined for wrath (cf. 1Thess. 5:9). How reassuring this is! Since we are His people, He will take us out of this world before the full wrath of God is poured out!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Day 86 - Revelation 12-13
These two chapters continue to describe the bleak time in the future known as the tribulation. The identification of some aspects of these chapters can be a bit difficult. Once again, the purpose of the book of Revelation is not to give us all the information about what is coming in the future in crystal clear detail. That is why some things are omitted and others are recorded in highly figurative language. This is a call to us to trust the Lord for the ultimate outworking of these things in history.
One thing that is clear in chapter 12 is the identity of the dragon. It is the devil (vs9). There is pertinent information here for us even for the present day. That information is in how the devil can be conquered. 12:11 tells us that the means to conquering the devil is the blood of the Lamb and the Word of God. The cross is where the blood of Jesus was shed. It was that act of substitutionary atonement that bruised His heel, while at the same time crushing the head of the serpent (cf. Gen. 3:15). It is the Word of God that we are told to use as our weapon against the spiritual forces with which we are engaged in battle (cf. Eph. 6:17). He is making war against us now (cf. 1Pet. 5:8), and he will continue to do so during the tribulation period (12:17). Let trust in these two things to conquer our foe!
One thing that is clear in chapter 12 is the identity of the dragon. It is the devil (vs9). There is pertinent information here for us even for the present day. That information is in how the devil can be conquered. 12:11 tells us that the means to conquering the devil is the blood of the Lamb and the Word of God. The cross is where the blood of Jesus was shed. It was that act of substitutionary atonement that bruised His heel, while at the same time crushing the head of the serpent (cf. Gen. 3:15). It is the Word of God that we are told to use as our weapon against the spiritual forces with which we are engaged in battle (cf. Eph. 6:17). He is making war against us now (cf. 1Pet. 5:8), and he will continue to do so during the tribulation period (12:17). Let trust in these two things to conquer our foe!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Day 85 - Revelation 10-11
What is the purpose of the book of Revelation? There are numerous, but I can say with certainty that the main purpose is NOT to let us know everything that will happen at the end of this age. Chapter 10 clearly states that the Apostle John was forbidden to record the happenings related to the seven thunders (vs3-4). So, John saw things that were to come in the future, and yet he was not permitted to write them down. This incident should help us to keep ourselves from the temptation to try to figure out everything that will happen in the end. It's impossible for us! We don't have all of the information! Another thing that this does for us is increase our need for faith in the sovereign, wise hand of God. Although we do not know everything that will happen, He does! We must trust Him to take care of that just as He is taking care of the present.
Day 84 - Revelation 8-9
The bleak situation described in this part of the book of Revelation continues. There is much destruction, despair, pain, etc. However, the interesting thing to notice not only here, but throughout the book is that these horrific events that are happening on the earth are recorded in between visions of heaven. Also, the listing of these happenings are in conjunction with the acts of the angels of God. The significance of this is that everything that is happening on the earth is under the supervision and control of God. Therefore, those of us who know Him have nothing to fear! Nothing can get to us except for what God allows! This should serve us as a call to trust in our sovereign God.
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